You might think there are only really a few options out there when it comes to your final resting spot - but you'd be wrong.

While many see cremation as the only choice if you want your remains put somewhere outlandish or deeply personal, this isn't the case.

Burials are not restricted to cemeteries and church yards.

In fact, you can choose to be buried on your own private land if you want to, or on another person’s property as long as the landowner and local authority gives consent.

This means you can be buried in your own garden or, if you’re really inseparable, the garden of your best friend.

Also, if you are on really good terms with the landlord, there’s no reason why you couldn’t ask to be buried at your local pub.

One man’s last wish was to be buried in his own garden of the home he had lived in his whole life. The burial was approved by authorities, but then his family faced the task of selling the house with his grave included.

While there are some rules you must follow for public safety - like with animals you cannot be buried near a water source - there are still a lot of unusual places people have been buried in. Here are just a few:

An ossuary

An ossuary at Kastro on Thassos, Greece, where pictures can be seen to memorialise family members
An ossuary at Kastro on Thassos, Greece, where pictures can be seen to memorialise family members

Following a dramatic population increase in Greece and cemeteries unable to expand, graves here work on a rental system.

Families pay for their loved ones to be buried for three years, then pay again to have the bodies exhumed. Those who can afford to then have the remains placed in an ossuary.

The above photo comes from the abandoned town of Kastro on the Greek island of Thassos. Here, the most recent death recorded in the ossuary was in 1991. Families can still visit from elsewhere on the island.

Photos are used to remember the deceased and often the bones of family members are kept together within chests and boxes. The bigger piles of bones most likely belong to people who no longer have family to tend to them.

On a cliff edge

Tradition states the closer the coffins are to the sky, the easier it is for the deceased to pass on
Tradition states the closer the coffins are to the sky, the easier it is for the deceased to pass on

These hanging coffins are located in Sagada, in the province of Mountain Province, Philippines. This tradition stems from Igorot indigenous culture.

The hanging of coffins along cliffs is a tradition for many here, as a way of elevating their loved ones to be closer to their ancestors. It is believed the body can otherwise be weighed down by the water and soil from a ground burial.

The bodies here are also protected from some natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods.

Above ground

A casket can be seen elevated here, ensuring a family would get their inheritance
A casket can be seen elevated here, ensuring a family would get their inheritance

There are more than 200 pyramids in the UK, but only some double as crypts and they do not contain mummies. The majority of these pyramids were built in the 18th and 19th centuries following Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798.

The Loudon tomb, located in a Middlesex churchyard, is unusual in that it features a pyramid tomb pierced by a stone coffin resting several metres above ground. Legend has it that the parents of its designer, John Claudius Loudon, came into vast wealth - but it would only remain in the family so long as they remained above ground. To ensure his inheritance, Loudon buried his parents in a coffin halfway up the pyramid, so they would - quite literally - always be ‘above ground’.

Dinner with a side of mourning

The restaurant also has a tree growing inside, showing a balance of life and death
The restaurant also has a tree growing inside, showing a balance of life and death

The owner of this restaurant in India had the choice of incorporating 12 graves into the building, or destroying them.

The land for the New Lucky Restaurant in Ahmedabad, India was located on a cemetery, so the owner decided to make them the guests’ dining companions.

It is not known who the graves belong to, but it is estimated that they date back to the 16th century. Waiters here decorate and maintain the graves as a mark of respect to the deceased, and many guests travel from far away for this solemn dining experience.

If there were no limits, where would you choose to be buried? Tell us in the comments.

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